Are NSF-Certified Water Softeners Worth Investing In?

Compare High-Quality Water Softeners Against Cheap Alternatives

In a market with so many competing products and service providers, it can be hard to sort out who you can trust. Everyone claims that their product performs best, that they’ve got the science figured out better, and so forth. It gets especially murky when you’re on a budget and turn to low-cost options. Can you trust manufacturers’ uncertified claims about cheap water softeners?
An important tool for identifying a quality water softener and making a wise choice is NSF certification. Formerly called the National Sanitation Foundation, NSF International is a widely-respected independent organization that handles product testing, inspection, and certification.
Let’s compare NSF-certified water softeners with their uncertified counterparts.
Uncertified Water Softeners Aren’t Proven to Work
So, what does it mean for water softeners to be NSF-certified? It means that the manufacturer has invested thousands of dollars into proving that what they claim about their products is actually true. The NSF seal of certification represents the fact that the manufacturer has put their money where their mouth is and can confidently stand behind their product.
NSF-certified products have undergone many hours of extensive, rigorous testing. Every product claim is categorized and independently tested, including hardness reduction, efficiency ratings, barium and radium reduction, and more. Every model’s verified claims and flow rate are then included in the publicly-accessible NSF Product and Service Listings.
Uncertified products have none of these guarantees. Without independent certification, you have no real way of finding out whether water softeners really do what they say, short of buying and trying it yourself. Why gamble on it when NSF certification has already taken the guesswork out of the equation?
Certified Water Softeners Run More Efficiently
In addition to actually fulfilling the promises its manufacturer markets it with, a certified water softener also saves you money by running more efficiently than an uncertified variant.
NSF-certified water softeners meet strict industry standards and regulations regarding the resources they use. As a result, these softeners conserve more water, salt, and electricity versus their uncertified counterparts. The uncertified water softeners, on the other hand, are more prone to wasting salt and water during regeneration, as well as consuming energy inefficiently.
This means that certified softeners save you money on your energy bills every month, require less salt replacement, and are more environmentally friendly than uncertified water softeners.
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Certified Water Softeners Stay More Reliable in the Long Term
Finally, while uncertified water softeners may initially have a lower startup cost, a certified softener is more reliable and will save you more money long-term.
The reason a manufacturer can provide such a low sticker price on uncertified products is precisely because they cut corners and haven’t invested in certification and quality control. It’s also because they typically include no warranty or an extremely limited warranty. This means they know that if your softener stops performing, they don’t have to spend resources fixing or replacing it.
As a result, uncertified water softeners aren’t built to last. Certified softeners are more durable and maintain their level of performance better over time, saving you money year after year.
On the other hand, Angel Water offers a 10-year warranty on major parts for our NSF-certified water softeners from EcoWater. This is because we know that NSF certification includes extensive testing under many different conditions, making sure that the claims actually hold up over time and not just for the first couple weeks after purchase.
Unlike providers of uncertified softeners, we can confidently stand behind our product. We know that your NSF-certified water softener will maintain its performance and efficiency over the years. Those providers would lose too much money fixing all their faulty products if they had a warranty like ours, but we don’t share that concern.
All things considered, it’s clear that certified high-quality water softeners provide far better value for your money than “cheap” uncertified versions. They’re proven to work, more efficient, and longer-lasting, saving you more money in the long-term.
Angel Water has provided and serviced high-quality NSF-certified water softeners in Barrington, IL and the greater Chicago area for decades—give us a call at 847-382-7800 for all your water softening needs today!
Want Softer Water? Schedule an Appointment Now!
Find out how a water softener can help protect your home from hard water damage. Schedule an appointment with our water specialists today to explore the best solutions for your home.