7 Incredible Health and Financial Benefits of Filtered Water for Your Home

In this blog, you’ll learn:

  • Filtered water systems (including whole-house water filters, reverse osmosis systems and water softeners) provide abundant health and financial benefits.
  • Health benefits of filtered water systems include improving blood flow, protecting heart health, enhancing kidney function and limiting toxin exposure.
  • Financial benefits of filtered water systems include kicking the water bottle habit, reducing appliance maintenance costs and optimizing utility costs.

Do you want to improve the health of your household while protecting it from potentially dangerous toxins and contaminants? Do you wish you could also protect your hard-earned investments and save money in the long term? You may be surprised to learn that filtered water, courtesy of a whole-house water filter, is a simple yet effective option!

Filtered water offers a wide range of health and financial benefits for your home. While it may require a higher upfront cost, a water filter is a long-term investment that can save you significantly. By investing in a water filter, you’re not just improving your family’s health, but also making a smart financial decision.

At Angel Water, we believe in making healthier living and cost savings accessible to everyone. That’s why we provide high-quality water filtration systems, including water softeners, that are not effective and reliable. We offer professional installation, reliable maintenance, and abundant related resources to ensure your journey to better water quality is hassle-free. Before we delve into the nine incredible health and financial benefits of filtered water, click the button below to learn more about Angel Water’s whole-house filtration systems.

1. Improve Blood Flow and Heart Health

Did you know your heart pumps around 2,000 gallons of blood daily? Water is a crucial aspect of blood volume! In fact, around 60% of each person’s body weight consists of water and over half of our blood is water.

That’s a lot of water! But what happens when there isn’t enough water for our blood, heart and other internal organs?


Dehydration occurs when our body uses more water than it takes in, and body levels drop. You might think you’re getting enough water, but recent statistics show that as much as 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Even very mild dehydration can become a big issue when it continues for weeks, months or years!

Symptoms of dehydration can include:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Dry or sticky mouth
  • Decreased urination (that might be dark yellow)
  • Muscle cramps
  • Sunken eyes
  • Irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Increased body temperature

These symptoms occur because dehydration thickens blood, making it harder for your heart to pump. Plus, blood volume decreases the more dehydrated you are, so your heart must work even harder!

How Filtered Water Helps Prevent Dehydration

Drinking enough water daily is the easiest way to prevent dehydration. Unfortunately, many people’s tap water is undrinkable because it tastes bad, smells funny and is filled with toxins.  This can deter people from drinking enough water, leading to dehydration, which can be mild but chronic.

Filtered water helps prevent dehydration because it encourages people to drink plenty of water. This option is healthier, cleaner, tastes better and smells better! For many people, bottled water is an alternative to a whole-house water filter or reverse osmosis water system. But bottled water has downsides and problems of its own….

2. Kick the Water Bottle Habit

Did you know that Americans spend an astonishing $100 on water bottles per person every single year? For a family of four, that amounts to $400 annually on water bottles alone.

A high-quality water filtration system can last between 15 and 25 years if properly maintained. During this time, that family of four would spend between $6,000 and $10,000 on water bottles.

That money is only one part of the savings filtered water offers! When paired with the other financial savings discussed below, a whole-house water filter can save you significantly over its lifespan!

These cost savings are paired with massive environmental benefits. A single plastic bottle takes around 450 years to decompose. If every person uses water bottles only to meet basic hydration requirements, they’ll create four plastic waste bottles daily, or 1,460 annually. If we use that same family of four, a filtered water system can prevent between 21,900 and 36,500 plastic bottles from being sent to landfills throughout its average lifespan.

The positive environmental impact of that single investment is massive! Can you imagine how the environment would benefit if only one percent of people nationwide switched to filtration systems yearly?

Plastic bottles laying in a pile together
Thousands, if not millions, of plastic water bottles are sent to landfills every day in the U.S.

3. Enhance Kidney Functioning

The kidneys are our body’s filtration system. They remove waste and excess fluids from the body. Usually, we don’t think about our kidneys very much so long as they’re doing their job. But, when the kidneys stop working efficiently, they’re thought about a lot – because renal disease is incredibly serious.

Chronic kidney disease can cause:

  • Digestive issues
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness and cramping
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Decreased cognitive abilities
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • High blood pressure
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Swelling of the feet and ankles

These are serious health problems that negatively affect your quality of life! Chronic or severe, acute kidney disease can even be fatal!

How Poor Drinking Water Contributes to Kidney Disease

There are two distinct ways that poor drinking water quality can contribute to kidney disease:

  1. Reduces your desire to drink water: If your water doesn’t taste or smell good, you don’t want to drink it – and we don’t blame you. However, a reduced desire to drink water can contribute to dehydration, which means the kidneys won’t have enough water to flush out toxins. They’ll have to work harder, and that strain can lead to chronic kidney disease.
  2. Exposes your body to harmful toxins: The toxins in unfiltered tap water can strain these vital organs and cause long-term damage. Constant exposure can lead to high levels of certain toxins in your body, making it even more challenging for your kidneys to do their job.

Thankfully, filtered water helps correct both these contributing factors.

How Filtered Water Helps Prevent Kidney Disease

Filtered water tastes better and smells cleaner than unfiltered tap water, so you’re encouraged to drink more. In this way, you can prevent dehydration, which ensures the kidneys have enough fluid to remove waste from your body.

Angel Water Now Offers Free Water Tests!

Don’t Guess, Test! Get Your Free Water Test Now and Take Control of Your Water Quality.

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Angel Water

Plus, filtered water doesn’t have all the toxins and contaminants found in unfiltered tap water. Thus, you reduce exposure to harmful toxins and contaminants, meaning your kidneys have less to eliminate. A more manageable workload means healthier, stronger kidneys!

4. Reduce Appliance Maintenance Costs

Hard water specifically can increase appliance maintenance costs. Which appliances? Any that use your home’s water supply. This can include your hot water heater, dishwasher, clothes washer, pool pump system and even your refrigerator if it has a water dispenser. But it goes beyond these big appliances.

Hard water can affect other crucial parts of your home. Your pipes, faucets, sink, shower, tub and toilet are all prone to calcium buildup from hard water.  This buildup can reduce water flow, make cleaning more challenging and cause unsightly staining.

If you’re battling hard water, a water softener and filtration system combination can help. By reducing water hardness and protecting against harmful toxins, you’ll reduce maintenance costs, extend the potential lifespan of your home appliances and protect your family’s health all at once!

Tools on top of a broken washing machine
Hard water can cause your appliances (like this washer) to need more frequent repairs!

5. Limit Toxin and Contaminant Exposure

At Angel Water, we’ve experienced the dangers lurking in our tap water firsthand. However, many people are unaware of what toxins and unwanted substances might be in their home’s drinking water. That’s why we offer the public abundant resources through our website – we want you to have the information you need to make informed health decisions!

Below, we’ve listed a mere handful of potential toxins that might be in your drinking water, along with their associated health consequences. But first, we offer some good news: switching to a filtered water system can remove most of these toxins from your drinking water!

Potential Toxins and Health Consequences

  • Arsenic: This comes from industrial and agricultural pollution or natural deposits on the earth. It can cause digestive problems, decreased red and white blood cell production, blood vessel damage and tingling in the extremities.
  • Barium: Can be found in the soil, where it leeches into your drinking supply. Exposure to barium can damage the kidneys and cause weight loss, difficulty breathing, digestive problems, cancer and even death.
  • Copper: Comes from copper pipes or varying types of ground pollution, causing primarily digestive issues.
  • Lead: Most commonly comes from lead pipes and old well equipment. It can cause a range of symptoms, including body pain, digestive issues, high blood pressure, anemia and hearing loss.
  • Nitrate: Sources might include industrial waste, food processing waste, septic systems, animal feedlots or fertilizers. High levels of this toxin can decrease your blood’s ability to carry oxygen to your tissues and primarily affects infants.
  • Radium 226/228: A naturally occurring harmful substance that can increase your risk of bone, liver and breast cancer. It can also lead to problems with your blood, teeth and eyes.
  • Radon: A byproduct of certain naturally occurring chemicals (including radium) breaking down. The danger here is when water hits oxygen and releases radon into the air, where it becomes the second leading cause of lung cancer.

This list doesn’t even scratch the surface of what might lurk in your family’s drinking water.

How Do I Find Out What Toxins Are in My Water?

Visit the Environmental Working Group (EWG) website to learn about the toxins and contaminants in your local water supply. Type in your zip code and, if necessary, select your water utility provider from the list.

Of course, this resource only gives you an idea of what toxins might be in your water supply and offers no information on well water. The only way to be sure what problems are present in your home’s drinking water is to get a comprehensive water test. If you want to learn about the quality of your drinking water, contact Angel Water to schedule water testing today.

6. Optimize Utility Expenses

According to the Water Quality Research Foundation, heating soft water is up to 29% more efficient than heating hard water. Plus, appliances that aren’t being damaged and strained by water hardness, toxins and contaminants will always be more efficient than those that are.

Investing in filtered water for your home could save hundreds or even thousands on utility expenses over time! This is just one of the many ways that a filtered water system will save your pocketbook over that initial investment.

Abstract of monthly utility costs with bill
Your utility expenses could be lower when your home appliances don’t have to work as hard!

7. Improve Your Overall Health and Quality of Life

Filtered water provides all the health and financial benefits above and many more. In turn, this helps to improve your overall health and quality of life.

When you drink filtered water, your health (and your family’s) improves because every organ in your body can function more efficiently. Above, we discussed heart health, kidney functioning, and limiting toxin exposure.

But it’s more than that.

Drinking enough water can also support a more active lifestyle, decrease chronic muscle cramps and help your breath smell better by supporting good dental and gut health! Filtered water may even be a simple yet effective way to manage chronic conditions alongside other treatments.

When you don’t have to stress about the high costs of water bottles, utility expenses and frequent appliance maintenance, your stress levels will also decrease. Stress can cause a range of mental and physical symptoms.

Mentally, stress can cause anxiety, depression, panic attacks and difficulty concentrating. Physically, high or chronic stress can lead to shaking, jaw clenching, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, rapid heartbeat, digestive problems and more.  People can live a better life when stress about finances and health decreases.

Start Reaping the Health and Financial Benefits of Filtered Water!

As you can see, filtered water provides numerous health and financial benefits for your home and family. The best part is that this isn’t a comprehensive list, and you could reap other benefits when switching from unfiltered tap water to a healthier, filtered option.

Ready to start reaping these benefits for yourself? Or, do you have questions about which of the best water filter systems suits your home’s needs? Contact Angel Water in Barrington, IL, or West Palm Beach, FL, today! Our friendly, reliable water experts are always eager to assist!

Interested in a Water Softener System for Your Home?

You don’t have to live with a dry, itchy scalp and brittle hair anymore! It would be our pleasure to help you find the right water softener to make your showers enjoyable again.

Please give us a call at (847) 382-7800 or visit our water softener page to learn more.

Find Out What’s Really In Your Water!
Get a FREE Water Test!

Angel Water is rolling out a FREE Water Testing Program to support our mission to provide cleaner, healthier water to as many people as possible!

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Angel Water
Before You Go…
Get A FREE Water Test!

Angel Water is rolling out a FREE Water Testing Program to support our mission to provide cleaner, healthier water to as many people as possible!

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Angel Water
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