Thank You For Using The Water Wizard!

With your answers, our system guesses at the types of underlying water problems you might have. Our system uses the kind of common, rule-of-thumb analysis techniques that a professional plumber might use if they didn’t have access to any water testing equipment. This should not be considered professional advice.

Based on your observations, the Water Wizard recommends AT LEAST the following:

A Water Softener:

Water Softening removes minerals that cause unsightly build up, damage water using appliances and may cause dry, itchy and irritable skin. Learn More About Water Softeners

Sediment Filter:

Sediment Filter or Pre-Filter to strain visible particulate out of your water and keep your advanced filtration equipment running smoothly. Learn More About Sediment Filters

An Activated Carbon Filter:

Carbon or Activated Carbon Filtration removes unpleasant odors and/or prevent mineral buildup. Learn More About Carbon Filters

A Chemical-Free Ozone Water Sanitation System:

Chemical-Free Ozone Water Sanitation System to kill bacteria and other organisms that may be present in your water. Learn More About Ozone Sanitation Systems

A Chlorine Injection and Filtration System:

Chlorine Injection and filtration system to kill dangerous bacteria and other organisms that may be in your water. Learn More About Chlorination Systems

An Air Stripping System:

Air Stripping system can be added to most water systems to remove unwanted or potentially harmful gasses.

A Whole House Reverse Osmosis System:

(Possibly) A Whole House Reverse Osmosis System may be very important to your health. Based on variables reported in this survey we would strongly recommend having your water tested for silica and other contaminants that may be impossible to remove without Reverse Osmosis, or especially dangerous to your health when present in steam. Learn More About Reverse Osmosis

Remember, This Tool Only Provides A Cursory Analysis:

It is important for us to stress that this tool is not a substitute for an actual water analysis, performed by a professional. Your water symptoms may be typical of common problems, but there are always outliers that may go unnoticed without a genuine chemical analysis.

Find Out What Contaminants Have Been Found in Water From Your Local Utility!

Enter your address  to search publicly available records for contaminants found in your local water utility. After filling out the form you will be immediately taken to a page with your local results.

Find Out What’s Really In Your Water!
Get a FREE Water Test!

Angel Water is rolling out a FREE Water Testing Program to support our mission to provide cleaner, healthier water to as many people as possible!

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Angel Water
Before You Go…
Get A FREE Water Test!

Angel Water is rolling out a FREE Water Testing Program to support our mission to provide cleaner, healthier water to as many people as possible!

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Angel Water
I would like to schedule service on my existing equipment.
I am interested in testing my water or I have questions about equipment.
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Are you in Illinois or Florida?

Unfortunately, online booking is not available for our West Palm Beach location right now.

Please call us direct @ (847) 382-7800 to schedule.